If finding your dream job means you need to go back to school or take some courses, you may be overwhelmed at the thought of working full time plus taking classes.
Add on paying for the additional schooling and you may want to give up completely. With a supportive workplace, some determination and perhaps financial aid help, getting an additional degree or even simply taking a few courses is well within reach.
Before you embark on the path to continuing your education, you should make sure you have a few things in order. First, ask yourself if you are ready for the lifestyle change that will come along with taking on classes. Consider whether you want to take classes part-time or full-time, knowing that working full-time and attending school full-time can lead to a very hectic few years! Weigh what is best for your ultimate career goals along with your own needs and those of family and friends.
Once you've made the decision on whether to attend part-time or full-time, do your research to find the best local school and meet with the staff at the school. In addition, you'll want to utilize the advice of a career planner or a trusted advisor to ensure you're selecting the appropriate career direction or field of study for your ultimate goals.
Once you've selected your field of study and where you want to take the courses, it's time to start thinking about financial aid options, if needed. There are a variety of financial aid options for funding education, including scholarships, grants and loans, which aren't limited to only recent high school graduates.
There are various websites that can help obtain more information on financial aid help and various options. They typically provide information on “how-to,” various costs of continuing education and plenty of information on scholarships, grants and loans. Some useful financial aid help websites include: FinAid, Fastweb, Federal Student Aid, CollegeBoard and CollegeNET.
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