You've landed the job — seal the deal and accept the offer the right way!

You've done it. After all the hard work of job searching and applying, you've been offered a job. Take a quick moment to pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. 

73% of job seekers say that searching for new roles is one of the most stressful life events. Finding the next step on the career ladder can be tough. So, when the glee of the news has subsided, it's time to officially accept the job offer. Believe it or not, there is a right way to tick this box. If it's been a while, you might need a refresher course. 

Getting to grips with the ins and outs is simple. Luckily, we've got you covered. Within this guide, we will take a look at the steps you need to follow when accepting a job offer. 

Don't accept the job offer immediately 

Do you need a minute to think? While you might be thrilled about the job offer, you don't want to be too hasty here. You have a lot to consider — whether the salary suits you, the terms of the contract, your start date, and more. Don't rush to seal the deal too fast. 

When you get the job offer, you should first thank the recruiter or HR manager for it. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and then say that you'd like to take a couple of days to consider it. If the offer is made over the phone, ask for a written offer to review.

If you have received a written job offer via either email or letter, you should respond ASAP. You can still ask for a couple of days to consider the terms of this new position. Keep your response short, enthusiastic, and open-ended. For example, you might write the following:

Example acceptance email

Dear Mr. Daniels, 

Thank you for the job offer. I am delighted to have been selected. 

I look forward to reviewing the full terms of the contract ahead of accepting. I will come back to you within two business days with my official response. 

Yours sincerely, 

Elizabeth Hughs

You don't need to over-explain why you need some time here. Asking for a day or two to consider the offer is perfectly understandable. It shows you are taking it seriously and figuring out whether it's the right move — not snapping up any offer that comes your way.

Check out the terms of the offer

You've bought yourself some time — what's next? It's time to iron out the finer details. Review the job offer and see how its terms align with your career goals. Is this a good stepping stone for you? Does the salary meet your needs? Are the working hours right?

It's also worth getting a fresh pair of eyes on things. Ask a trusted friend, family member, or even a career mentor to take a look at the job offer. You never know, they may spot something that you missed or make you question some of the minor details. 

Accepting a job offer is about making sure the terms suit the employer and you. Before you sign on the dotted line, you need to be certain that you're both happy with the deal.

Negotiate (if you need to!) 

There's nothing wrong with a little negotiation. If there's room for improvement, you should speak up. Adopting a “don't ask, don't get” attitude is the right move. When you've accepted the job offer, it will be too late to ask for what you want. Take your chance now. 

You may want to ask for a slightly higher salary, more flexibility (e.g. hybrid working), or better benefits. The idea of negotiating may make your heart flutter, but it's a wise move. Remember, this is not a personal negotiation — it's a business transaction. You are simply ensuring that you get what you are worth before you commit yourself to the role. 

Don't be afraid to ask for some flexibility. 26% of 18 to 24-year-olds would turn down a job offer if the company didn't offer remote work. Technological advances mean that many roles can now be done whenever, wherever. So long as you've got a good internet connection, you're good to go. Negotiating the terms that work for you.

Get the new job offer in writing 

When you've negotiated the terms of the job offer, ask for the full breakdown in writing. There's no paper trail when it comes to phone conversations and that could be an issue further down the line. So that you don't get your wires crossed, you need everything in writing. That way, you can respond to the most up-to-date version of the job offer. 

You might want to ask the recruiter to email you with the details of what you've discussed and agreed upon. Alternatively, you could ask for a formal job offer that contains the changes you've asked for. Dealing with this bit of red tape doesn't have to be a hassle. A job offer is a formal affair, so the recruiter will expect you to deal with it professionally. 

Draft an official acceptance letter or email

You're ready to say “I do” to the employer. While you might casually accept a job offer over the phone, be sure to send a formal letter stating that you agree to the terms of the role. This email or letter doesn't have to be too long — you can keep it short and sweet at around 100-200 words. Before you put pen to paper, make sure you include the following: 

  •  Gratitude and enthusiasm

First things first, you need to let the employer know you're excited to get moving with the new role. You want to get off on the right footing. In your opening line, tell them that you are grateful for this opportunity and happy to accept the revised job offer. 

  • The terms of the job offer

It does no harm to reiterate the terms of the job offer in your acceptance letter. That way, there's no confusion about the agreement. For example, you may write, “I am pleased to accept the job offer. As previously agreed, my title will be content manager with a starting salary of $40,000 and 10 vacation days.” Be specific in the terms you've accepted.

  • Your official starting date 

When is your first day? You should have already discussed this in your job interview and the negotiation process. If you're giving notice to a previous employer, you need to let your new employer know about it. Once again, you should outline your starting date in the acceptance letter. You might simply write “My official start date will be June 25th.” 

  • An optimistic sign-off 

You're starting a new chapter of your working life. Do you have butterflies yet? You should feel optimistic about what the future holds for you. Let the hiring manager know about this by signing off in a positive way. For example, you could write “Looking forward to getting to know the team and working on exciting new projects together!” 

Example acceptance letter

Dear Mr. Smith, 

I am pleased to say I am writing to officially accept the job offer. 

As discussed, my job title will be content manager with a starting salary of $40,000 and ten vacation days plus benefits. My official starting date will be June 25th as I am currently completing my two-week notice period with my former employer.

I would like to formally thank you for this opportunity. I am excited to meet the wider team and start working on exciting new projects together. 

Yours sincerely, 

Maria Lawson

Finally, check your acceptance letter 

Now that you know what to say when accepting a job offer, there's one final thing to do. You need to check the letter before you hit that “send” button. Make sure that the spelling and grammar is on point — you don't want to fall at the first hurdle. You might want to ask someone else to check it for you. They may catch a mistake that you've overlooked. 

The takeaway

There's an art to accepting a job offer in a professional way. Be sure you follow the process we've outlined here so that you get it right. Embarking on a new phase of your career is an exhilarating time. Make sure it's smooth sailing right from the beginning. 

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