During a job search, your resume is your first impression with the hiring manager.

To ensure you're putting your best foot forward, you'll want to craft a resume that stands out. One way to do this is by using resume samples as a guide. To provide a helping hand, we've collected resume samples from various industries written by our professional resume writers. Use them as a starting point and you'll be on your way to writing a job-winning resume.

How to use resume samples.

Resume samples are a great starting place for feedback on your current resume. Whether you're writing your first resume or have submitted multiple applications with no callbacks, you can use resume samples to help you find the right layout to tell your story.  

A pretty, colorful resume layout may please the human eye, but it will not help your application make it past the bots, better known as the applicant tracking systems (ATS). Oftentimes, the ATS  will wean out applicants based on their resumes. A resume may never make it to the hiring manager due to the ATS software weening out applicants based on length, format, and content. Don't let this happen to you!

The average resume is no more than two pages long. When you're working with such little space, you must carefully choose which information to include in order to tell the best version of your career story. Knowing where and how to arrange this information is just as important as the way in which you communicate achievements, preferably using action-oriented keywords.

Resume samples will give you a better idea of the type of information hiring managers look for, which will help you highlight your accomplishments and choose the correct resume format. At TopResume we have created a collection of resume samples to help you get started.  Once you revise your resume, make sure to take advantage of our free resume critique for confidential feedback from our trusted experts to see how you did!

True or False: No one can tell your career story better than you?

False. When it comes to telling your career story, a professional resume writer knows what hiring managers are looking for. A professional resume writer will be able to pull out characteristics and career highlights you might humbly overlook.  You cannot get that level of professional storytelling from samples alone.

Not having any luck battling the bots with your current resume? We guarantee you will get 2x more job interviews within 60 days or we'll rewrite your resume for free. Try our professional resume-writing services today.

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